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Girl from a sleepy backwater

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Coming from a sleepy backwater the temptation is to sleep – A LOT!!

Lately I’ve been thinking about the fact all of my dreams have come true albeit in a perplexing and convoluted way. Actually, when I scroll back through my memory reel at the dozens or perhaps hundreds of dreams that have come to fruition – the births of the children and appointing myself warden to thousands of invaluable books the highlight of the reel – I can think of only one thing that list doesn’t cover and that is ownership of a horse. And time is not running out anytime soon, or so the gypsy tarot readers say.

Girls from sleepy backwaters are remembered too, even amidst global pandemics, environmental issues deemed catastrophic, 70 million displaced persons, the fallout of AI espionage and anything else this post-modern age has to offer. It appears Armageddon does NOT automatically cancell dreams coming true for girls like me because life is branching out in a brand new direction 🙂

Now I lay me down to sleep . . .


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64 Replies to “Girl from a sleepy backwater”

  1. I can’t believe I’ve been following you on your homeschool blog for ten years and never knew you were from a sleepy backwater!

    1. Hi there, thanks for following me from my other blogs and social media pages. I’ve decided to go avatar-free and that way no one gets judged on look, skin colour, gender, religion etc. We are all one and all equal 🙂

                  1. Four kids, four in-law kids, a couple of adopted kids and two and a half grandkids. Then there’s work and study 🙂

    1. Hi there, thanks for following me from my other blogs and social media pages. The Tiny Movement is still alive and well inside of me but there are “so many others lives to live” in the words of the great Henry David Thoreau.” More news to come! 🙂

  2. Sorry, I keep meaning to tell you I’m thinking about doing your course ‘Write Like You Are Healed.’ Have you got other students for it? What sort of healing will it be?

    1. Hi there, thanks for following me from my other blogs and social media pages. I’m coming back to you a bit later with that information …

      1. Hi ClareEbony, we’re going to be concentrating on Spirit Healing so Reiki, meditation, yoga, EFT, EMDR, NLP etc. It will be on Zoom. We will be doing a healing session together and then I’ll lead you through a written exercise using automatic writing. I’m interested to see what we will all come up with. I have a handful of people atm, the perfect number. It’s better to keep these groups small I find 🙂

    1. Hi there, thanks for following me from my other blogs and social media pages. If only I knew then what I know now about animals.

    1. Hi there, thanks for following me from my other blogs and social media pages. Which one are you going to? The silent retreat? I don’t know if I can shut up for a whole weekend. I might try one online to start with 🙂

        1. Not sure. I need a free block of three days and that is hard to come by. Are you doing the free lunchtime meditation every Tuesday? They stream live from Melbourne city centre.

            1. You are MISSING OUT!! I started it just before lockdown 2020 and it literally saved my sanity. You can go into the city to do it too. It’s my favourite monk. Okay, I’m just going to come and say it – he’s my guru. He has a distinct English accent and is so funny 🙂

                1. You just ring or email them and they send you the link via email every Tuesday and you click on it. Hey, I’m technically backwards and even I can do it 🙂

                    1. Actually technically no because we can’t all see each other we can only see the monk. But maybe one day we can head to the city?

  3. Does this mean you are finally getting back into blogging? I used to read your posts every day and God do I miss them. Please say yes!

    1. Hi there, thanks for following me from my other blogs and social media pages. Were you one of those ones who would read my posts over morning coffee or lunch at work? I remember sometimes I would get a thousand comments a day. Phew, it was a full-time job! 🙂

        1. Oh yes, of course! I know your face now. You were always first to read and comment. Thanks for your tremendous support over the years. I need to look you up and return the favour 🙂

          1. I don’t do social media anymore now that tiny life has taken over. I have a life now. Don’t sweat it. It was like you would read my mood back then, often the poem you posted would reflect it.

            1. Would like to say it’s because I’m a mind reader but that would be leading you astray. I am an astrologer though and that really helps 🙂

                1. Not the first person to say that. It’s tragic knowing all of a person’s faults before you’ve even gotten to know them 🙂

                    1. The first chart is free and after that it’s $35.00 per hour. My client base is full atm but I can run a free chart for you.

    1. Hi there, thanks for following me from my other blogs and social media pages. I’ll keep you posted. Definitely loved your specials 🙂

    1. Hi there, thanks for following me from my other blogs and social media pages. I’m not in the position right now as I don’t have the land for one but dogs and horses are on the cards for sure! 🙂

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