‘Write A Bestseller’ is informative, interesting and fun…
Writing for audiences in the 21st century is a skill in itself and Ada brings excitement and joy to learning this craft. Ada willingly shares her vast knowledge of literature and writing techniques with her participation. Ada responds to each class member with an individualised learning approach. Both individualised and group learning are incorporated. Lots of wonderful resources distributed. The scope of literature in the course is wide-ranging. Activities are varied and interesting allowing for participation for the whole group. The teaching style is personable and professional with well-developed communication skills that enable a clear sharing of Ada's writing knowledge. Ada supports each person to develop their own personal writing style. She looks for the gold in each person. Individual critiques are insightful and productive. I had given up on writing after years of child-rearing and work and feel as though this course has brought my writing into the 21st century when I had been blocked for so long.

mahlvaacc 2012